I am Peter Breuls. I write web applications in PHP, movie reviews and irregularly something on this weblog. Welcome!
Through my company Devize, I'm available as a developer or a consultant for websites or web applications.
I work as an Administrator at online community FOK! and as a Lead Developer at frontoffice supplier SIMgroep.

White House Blog


WhiteHouse.gov: "A short time ago, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States and his new administration officially came to life. One of the first changes is the White House's new website, which will serve as a place for the President and his administration to connect with the rest of the nation and the world."

Obama zet de lijn van vernieuwing ook door op de officiele outlet van het Witte Huis. De site heeft nu een eigen weblog. Promising, en wellicht interessant. Natuurlijk is er ook een RSS feed.