I am Peter Breuls. I write web applications in PHP, movie reviews and irregularly something on this weblog. Welcome!
Through my company Devize, I'm available as a developer or a consultant for websites or web applications.
I work as an Administrator at online community FOK! and as a Lead Developer at frontoffice supplier SIMgroep.

Don't do flash intros!

Tech / Web development / Internetcomment

Paolo asks whether it's a good choice to start a promotial site for Italy with some flash intros. I think it's not. This is what I posted as a comment:

I don't like the flash intro. It has no use whatsoever and it makes me wait. So if they could drop that one, it would be great.

Second, I get the intro with the language choice. Now, that one does have a function, but I would guess that the majority of visitors speak English, so it's probably better to open with the English site and make it clear that an alternative language can be chosen.

I don't really mind the third flash thingy on the site itself. After all, it's a tourism site, so some sights of the country are okay, as long as all the information can still be easily found.

Flash intros really are something from the past. Or at least, that's what I thought. When people started discovering this 'new easy way of creating animations on the web', people built entire sites in them. That was okay, back then. As were the intros. But please, it's 2007. We know that flash intros have no additional value, what-so-ever, to a site that centers around giving information.

So to all you webdevelopers out there, pondering on the possibility of a flash intro: don't. Please don't.