Why Radio UserLand isn't good enough

Radio UserLand is great. Seldom have I seen a tool that's so easy to use, and simultaneously has so mucht to offer if you bother to dig just a little deeper. You can maintain a weblog, no, hold that, you can maintain a complete range of weblogs, let your readers subscribe to them, write and publish stories, and do cool things with the outliner. And I haven't even mentioned the News Aggregator yet, my personal reason to actually buy Radio.

But, as to many good things, Radio too has downsides, and I think the only way to make them disappear is to write them down and publish what's written. Consider this a public Feature Request form, where I make my wishlist for Radio.

Dear Santa, I would like to see in Radio the following:

  1. The checkboxes at the aggregator
    When I read my news, I have the checkboxes checked on by default, so that after reading a page with news, I can delete all the I've read with one click. Sometimes, though, I would like to just delete one of the stories, and keep the rest for later use. To do that, I would have to uncheck 99 stories (as I have 100 stories at one page), and then click delete.
    That can be done easier. Why not put an extra checkbox at the top of the list? When you check that one, all the others will be checked. Of you uncheck it? Well, all the others will just be unchecked too. Way easier to work with.
  2. The font in the WYSIWYG editor
    The Wizzy editor is great! In other CMS's, I am used to using HTML-like code to create links, insert images, underline text and so on. All that kan be done way easier with Radio. Just use the What You See Is What You Get editor, and creating links is done by pushing some buttons. This way, you can see what your writing will look like while writing it.
    There's only one thing that bothers me: the text in the edit-window hasn't got a font defined. Because of that, the words (which I am typing right now) are ugly. Why? Because Times New Roman, the default Windows font, is ugly. Of course, I can change my default Windows font to get that fixed, but I don't think that's the way I should solve this problem. Isn't it possible to get this editor to show me my writing in the same font that is used on my blog?
  3. Navigating through the aggregator
    While I'm at it.. why can't I browse through the stories in the aggregator? I have 100 stories on a page, but when there's 150 of them waiting for me to read them, I have to delete some stories from the first page to see what else is hidden. Why not add navigator links there? Something like "there's 250 stories, on 3 pages, you are on page 1 2 3". In that bit of text, the 2 and the 3 would be clickable, so you can jump to the other stories.