dinsdag 21 juni 2005

.. I have decided that I like it. I've been using it every day, clicking, writing some lines, saving files, reading discussions, testing things and yeah, I like it. I will use this. Hell, I AM using it and I'll keep doing so.

Click on the coffee mug to add Peter Breuls's Instant Outline to
your OPML Editor buddy list.I'm talking about Dave Winer's outliner. It's really full of features. It's got outline publishing (through an opmlCommunityServer, similar to the way UserLand hosts Radio weblogs), editing, subscribing... wait, subscribing? Yup. It's the Instant Outliner some might still know from when Radio UserLand got implemented one. This is that one, only improved. It works better, and nicer.

Dave should really be the one doing all the revealing of features, so I won't sum up everything that's in there, but it's cool and I hope the Instant Outlining thing will catch on. The only downside to that right now is that Dave is hosting all the outline files on his server. If you would want to use it privately, in some place nobody unauthorized would find your conversations, or maybe behind a firewall, it cant'be done. Yet. And mind that last tiny word. ;) Work is being done to solve that problem, something I will be writing about later on.

In the meantime, we'll keep on digging to get the nasty bugs out before the Editor is made public!