woensdag 25 augustus 2004

Okay, I think the current state of my Radio comments system is ready to be tested. I have activated it on my blog, so if you click 'comment' below, you'll get the new system.

Also, if you want to help me developing by testing how it works for you, please leave a comment somewhere or, even better, use it on your own Radio weblog. To do that, go to this prefs page, and fill in this URL in the box below Specify a server:

Submit the page. When you're done, the system is in use. Please test it by posting some comments, and let me know if anything weird occurs. Also, if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

So, I've been playing a bit with PHP and MySQL to create a first draft of the Custom Comments System, and I've managed to actually get a small system to work. Posting of a comment works, and when you click the comment link below a weblog post, you'll get an overview of the corresponding comments. Also, the comment link displays the correct number of comments.

So, the system is there. I'm not releasing it yet, though. I want to clean up the code a bit, build some more features and check if everything is really really working. So, for now, I've re-enabled the default UserLand comments system on this blog.

By the way, if you're interested in beta testing, drop me a note (or leave a comment ;) ).