zaterdag 2 oktober 2004

Ralf asks if there isn't an easy way to implement a comments system. Sure there is. Radio is really easy when it comes to switching from one system to another. I don't think regular users should think about having to install systems theirselves. Let the nerds (like me) do that sort of stuff.

I know my comments system isn't perfect, but it's still a try-out (although I didn't see any errors lately, and nobody reported them either). It's easy, though, to switch to it, and although I see on Ralf's blog that he's already switched once (he's using the HaloScan service), I want to point once again to this page in the Radio UserLand prefs, where the switching can be done.

If anyone has more questions about this, feel free to email them or leave a comment. I'd be happy to write more about this to help people use the things they like.

My condoleances to Dave Slusher who's lost his aunt. I wish you all the strength you need, Dave.